Treat Mom like the royalty she is with our majestic "Queen's Crown" bouquet. This regal arrangement features a lavish assortment of all-pink and lavender blooms, including the exquisite Queen's crown roses, delicate pink tulips, fragrant lavender snapdragons, lisianthus, spray roses, and lush ruscus. Presented in a dimpled purple glass vase, this stunning ensemble exudes sophistication and charm, adding a touch of royal elegance to any space.
Elevate Mom's special day with the opulent beauty of the "Queen's Crown" bouquet and let her know she reigns supreme in your heart!
PLEASE NOTE: Our Lakeview & Pilsen stores will be open for pick up on Mother's Day (Sunday, May 12) from 8 AM - 2 PM - if you would like to pick up on Sunday please note your request in the special instructions or call 312-432-1800 to place your order over the phone.