We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. The best way to decorate any space is with plants! If you’re new to being a plant parent, look no further than the Sansevieria. Commonly known as a Snake Plant, these green beauties are some of the toughest plants you can find. Whether indoors, in your garden or on your balcony, these spiky plants can put up with almost anything. They’re easy as can be, but there are a few things you should know. Keep reading for Snake Plant care. You’ll see how low maintenance they really are!

Snake plants are just like succulents, in that you don’t want to water these guys too much. If you overdo it on the watering, you run the risk of root rot which will quickly destroy your plant before you even realize. You’ll want to make sure to let the soil dry out COMPLETELY between watering, which can sometimes take up to 6 weeks.
On average, we’d suggest watering every 3-5 weeks. Make sure you check the soil to ensure it’s completely dried out before you water. Simply stick your finger about 2 inches into the soil to double check!

Just like with watering your Sansevieria plant, you don’t need to worry too much about the amount of light they will receive. Snake plants usually prefer medium light (approximately 10′ away from the west or south window), but they will also tolerate low light & high light.
Simply place your Snake Plant in indirect light and you’ll see this guy grow! Make sure this plant isn’t placed in direct sunlight, as they can easily burn.
Air Circulation & Temperature

Sansevierias don’t mind the dry or stale air commonly found in homes & offices. They also do well in bathrooms or other places where the humidity tends to be much higher. They also can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. Basically, put this plan anywhere and watch it thrive!
Bottom Line is….
We LOVE Sansevieria plants! Not only are these plants “diehard plants,” but they are also one of the best plants when it comes to air purification. The Snake plant filters formaldehyde & nitrogen oxide with ease.